Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weekly Devotional from Lenae


I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:15-16

Jesus was the originator of object lessons. He spoke of the things of God in relation to what people could easily identify with. He invited His fisherman disciples to “Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). He told the crowds who sat under His teaching that they were salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16), and described the Kingdom of Heaven being like a field of wheat and weeds, mustard seed, yeast, hidden treasure, a merchant looking for fine pearls, and a net that is let down into a lake (Matthew 13).

When Jesus spoke of hot, cold, and lukewarm water to the church in Laodecia, He was also speaking a language they could understand. Hierapolis was about six miles from Laodicea and was known for its hot waters that were good and healing. The baths of the Hierapolis were so immense that hundreds of people could bathe at the same time. “People from distant regions came to soak in warm baths and seek healing for arthritis, skin diseases, and even abdominal problems” (Ray Vander Laan).

The city of Colosse is eleven miles from Laodicea and it was known for its cold, refreshing drinking water. Located at the foot of Mt. Cadmus, their streams remained icy and pure because of the snow and rain that flowed from the peak of Mt. Cadmus.

Sandwiched between the hot water of Hierapolis and the cold water of Colosse was lukewarm Laodecia. Their stagnant water was full of minerals, gross, useless, and undrinkable. God looked at the city of Laodecia and saw lukewarm water that made them sick. He looked at the people of Laodecia and saw lukewarm hearts that made Him sick.
Within his website,, Ray Vander Laan, applies the truth of this verse: In light of the water for which the cities of Hierapolis, Colosse and Laodicea were known, the apostle John might have been saying, “If you were hot, like the springs of Hierapolis, you’d bring healing, restoration, and comfort to people who suffer. If you were cold, like the water in Colosse, you’d refresh and encourage people who are hurting. Instead, you are lukewarm. You don’t do anyone any good and you make me sick just like your own water.”

As you prayerfully and honestly do a water temperature test on your heart, what does it read? Make no mistake, the warning in Revelation goes beyond the ancient city of Laodecia. Its truth must be applied to the waters within our hearts, clubs, and churches today.

PASSION Step: Do not measure the temp of your heart to those around you. Compare your heart’s water to Jesus alone!

Apathy is the acceptance of the unacceptable.
John Stott

Grace and peace,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcome to Area 28!

It is with great excitement that we, Amy & Lisa, greet you. We hope that your year has been a great one of prayer and no worries!

We would like to introduce ourselves to you. We are your new GEMS Area Counselor Training & Support (ACTS) contacts. Filling the positions previously held by Barb Van Haste and Audrey Vogel. We thank them for their years of service and for keeping our clubs trained and informed.

I am Amy Brooks the new Leadership Trainer. I have served with GEMS in many roles for over 12 years. I am currently co-coordinator for the Midland Park/Faith Community GEMS Club.

I am Lisa Kuperus the new Area Coordinator. I have been involved with GEMS for over 7 years as counselor and co-coordinator for my church's GEMS club.

As your Leadership Trainer (LT) and Area Coordinator (AC) we are here to support YOU and the clubs you are in; and, Lord willing, raise up more clubs in our area. We will be reaching out to you several times during the year to see how things are going and also to inform you of training opportunities for you to participate in. We look forward to sharing with you the new and exciting things the GEMS ministry is doing locally and internationally.

Our first event will be Saturday, August 14, at the Christian Health Care Center in Wyckoff, NJ. It will be a day of learning and sharing together about how our clubs can better serve young girls and the Lord through this dynamic ministry. We will cover topics such as "How to Create a Dream Club" and "Nurturing Club Coordinators", we'll introduce the new theme and theme badge "Feed the Fire!", and there will be time to network and share ideas. In addition, we are excited to introduce you to some awesome new curriculum, music and badge books that are "hot off the presses" for the season ahead - we will have samples for you to see as well! We will be posting more information on the workshop check back here often!

We look forward to meeting you in August. In the meantime, if you have any concerns or questions about anything regarding GEMS, please let us know!