How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
Romans 10:15b
In 7th grade I nearly jumped out of my size 10 shoes when I read Isaiah 52:7, How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Middle school boys tend to prey on girls’ greatest insecurities and one of the boys in my class tormented me about the size of my feet. So when I heard the news that those who proclaim good news have beautiful feet that sealed the deal. When I graduated I would be a missionary in India and my feet would be beautiful! Fast forward to today. I’m not in India, I still wear size 10 shoes, and thankfully, have a much deeper and more accurate understanding of this verse!
No matter the size or agility of your feet, God deems them beautiful when we open up and talk about Him. It is a beautiful privilege to share the Good News of His redemption, salvation, and peace and it is evidence of our salvation! If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved (Romans 10:9-10).
Be swift-footed in sharing the message. Paul urges his readers in Romans 10:14-15, How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? Do you faithfully pray and support pastors, missionaries, and ministries that tell children and adults, locally and globally, about Jesus Christ? Do you have a Top Ten list of people you know that need Jesus? If not, start one! Daily pray for them and regularly share the Good News with them.
Be swift-footed in correctly explaining the Word of truth. When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost and the bewildered crowd was trying to make sense of how each one heard the wonders of God in their own tongues, they were amazed and perplexed. They asked one another, “What does this mean?” (Acts 2:12) When people ask us, “What does this mean?” Are we ready to give a clear, truth-filled response? Oswald Chambers writes, “If you cannot express yourself well on each of your beliefs, work and study until you can. If you don’t, other people may miss out on the blessings that come from knowing the truth.” Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
PASSION Step: Take a look at your feet. Are you dragging your feet when it comes to telling people about Jesus or are you swift-footed? Be beautiful: Open up and talk about God.
Witnessing is not a spare-time occupation or once-a-week activity. It must be a quality of life. You don’t go witnessing; you are a witness.
Dan Greene