Will You Follow?
from Lenae, GEMS Training ManagerSo they called Rebekah and asked her, “Will you go with this man?”
“I will go,” she said. (Genesis 24:58)
On an ordinary walk to the spring to retrieve water, Rebekah became an answer to prayer. She came with a water jug, and left with a gold nose ring, bracelets, and houseguests.
The story unfolded over the evening meal with Rebekah’s family and Abraham’s servant. Clearly this was from the Lord. He was sending Rebekah to Isaac to be his wife.
The next morning Abraham’s servant was ready to go. Rebekah’s mother and brother wanted ten days or so to adjust to the sending. They decided to ask Rebekah about it.
“Will you go with this man?” they asked.
Without hesitation, procrastination, or delay she said, “I will go.” (Genesis 24)
What a difference a day makes! One day she’s fetching water for the family, the next day she’s leaving to start a new life! How did she adjust so quickly? When asked if she would go that very morning, isn’t the accepted spiritual response, “I need time to pray and think about it”?
The thing is, prayer had already taken place. God said, “Go!” So she did just that. She did what girls and GEMS counselors have been singing this year! “Where You go, I’ll go. Where You stay, I’ll stay. When You move, I’ll move. I will follow.” (“I Will Follow” by Chris Tomlin)
Think about it. If we really mean what we sing, the pressure is off! God leads, we follow. Period.
Instead of manipulating timeframes for a sending, or hashing and rehashing best and worse case scenarios if we go or if we stay, we listen to our Father. And when we know where He is sending, we follow.
Messengers God can use keep things simple. They listen and then obey.
Send Me: Has He placed someone on your heart to bring the message to today? Don’t hesitate, procrastinate, or delay. Bring the message!
Before you go charging into someone with the Gospel, ask God, “What would you have me know about this person?” “What would you have me say or do here?” And follow what He says. — Regi Campbell