Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekly Devotion - " Will You Follow? " - 3/23/15

Will You Follow?

from Lenae, GEMS Training Manager

So they called Rebekah and asked her, “Will you go with this man?”

“I will go,” she said.
(Genesis 24:58)

On an ordinary walk to the spring to retrieve water, Rebekah became an answer to prayer. She came with a water jug, and left with a gold nose ring, bracelets, and houseguests.

The story unfolded over the evening meal with Rebekah’s family and Abraham’s servant. Clearly this was from the Lord. He was sending Rebekah to Isaac to be his wife.

The next morning Abraham’s servant was ready to go. Rebekah’s mother and brother wanted ten days or so to adjust to the sending. They decided to ask Rebekah about it.

“Will you go with this man?” they asked.

Without hesitation, procrastination, or delay she said, “I will go.” (Genesis 24)

What a difference a day makes! One day she’s fetching water for the family, the next day she’s leaving to start a new life! How did she adjust so quickly? When asked if she would go that very morning, isn’t the accepted spiritual response, “I need time to pray and think about it”?

The thing is, prayer had already taken place. God said, “Go!” So she did just that. She did what girls and GEMS counselors have been singing this year! “Where You go, I’ll go. Where You stay, I’ll stay. When You move, I’ll move. I will follow.” (“I Will Follow” by Chris Tomlin)

Think about it. If we really mean what we sing, the pressure is off! God leads, we follow. Period.

Instead of manipulating timeframes for a sending, or hashing and rehashing best and worse case scenarios if we go or if we stay, we listen to our Father. And when we know where He is sending, we follow.

Messengers God can use keep things simple. They listen and then obey.

Send Me: Has He placed someone on your heart to bring the message to today? Don’t hesitate, procrastinate, or delay. Bring the message!

Before you go charging into someone with the Gospel, ask God, “What would you have me know about this person?” “What would you have me say or do here?” And follow what He says. Regi Campbell

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Weekly Devotion - "Walk Across the Room" - 3/16/15

Walk Across the Room

from Lenae, GEMS Training Manager 

To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:21).

Inspired by Bill Hybels’ book, Just Walk Across the Room, Miss Megan regularly asks our GEMS Club, “How many steps does it take to walk across the room?”

The girls shout, “Ten!”

It only takes ten steps to be a friend, to offer a helping hand, and give a word of encouragement. Whether at school, church, a grocery store, or an athletic event, it only takes ten steps and one smile, to share Jesus’ love.

Messengers God can use follow in Jesus’ steps. Notice the distinct pattern and gait to His walk.

He stepped toward the hated, outcasts, and condemned.
  • He stepped toward Zacchaeus, looked up in the tree, and invited Himself to dinner.
  • He stepped toward the Samaritan woman at the well, sat down, and poured living water for the entire town.
  • He stepped toward the woman the religious leaders were ready to stone, kneeled, and offered her forgiveness and a new life.
His steps stopped for the blind and lame, and turned around for the woman subject to bleeding. Never were His steps rushed or hurried. Always He kept in step with the Spirit, and walked to the beat of His Father’s heart.

There are those who wear pedometers to count steps. This is good and healthy. Greater still are the steps of His messengers. They don’t count steps; they make steps count. Like Jesus, they step toward people and bring the message with their words and example.

Send Me: Think intentionally about your steps today. Each time you enter a room, stop and look around. Instead of going to the place that feels comfortable and safe, move toward the one who looks like they need a friend.

It was when we were helplessly in the throes of sin that Christ extracted Himself from the ultimate Circle of Comfort—Heaven itself—to step across time and space to rescue us. We take walks across rooms because He took the ultimate walk across the room—Bill Hybels

Monday, March 16, 2015

Why training?

It just takes one Leadership Training event through GEMS! Once you come, you'll be hooked! But don't take our word for it, hear what Tami has to say!  Click here!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekly Devotional - "Thank & Tell" - 3/2/2015

Thank & Tell

by Lenae, GEMS Training Manger

Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tambourines and dancing (Exodus 15:20, ESV).

Even the ones among us with two left feet would’ve joined the song and dance on the other side of the shore. What started in panic and sheer terror, ended with rescue and relief! Sandwiched between the Red Sea and the enemy, God made a way. He saved them from the Egyptians and gave them a new life. Their slave-masters were dead and they were alive and set free!

Sound familiar? It should. It’s our story, too. Jesus made a way for our rescue. He saved us from death and won victory over the enemy! Sin is no longer our slave-master. We are alive and set free! In Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Like the Israelites who passed from death to life, do we do what saved people do? Do we break into song and dance? Do we thank God and tell His story? That’s what Moses, Miriam, and the Israelites did.

They looked back and thanked God for delivering them from their former life and death itself. They stood in the present and testified who He is—my strength, my salvation, and my God! And they looked ahead to what He will do. In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling (Exodus 15:13).

Past. Present. Future. He saved, saves, and will save. He loved, loves, and will always love. He made a way, is the way, and will make a way. To think on even a sliver of our salvation should move our feet to dance and bring the message.

Send Me: Think on your story: past, present, and future. Got something that sets your spirit into song and dance? Now thank and tell!